
Monday May 10, 2021
047 - Guest: Rajiv Malhotra, author and historian, part 2
Monday May 10, 2021
Monday May 10, 2021
This and all episodes at: https://aiandyou.net/ .
Are the benefits of AI equally distributed across countries? Or is it another tool for agents of globalization and imperialism to tighten their grip and shut out the smaller players on the global stage? Rajiv Malhotra has a new book, Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Power: 5 Battlegrounds, that addresses that issue, and draws attention to how India in particular is collateral damage in the struggle for dominance between AI superpowers. In part 2, we talk about the future of jobs from an equity and inclusion frame, the Timnit Gebru incident at Google and parallels affecting developing countries, and our future with AI seen through an eastern spiritual perspective. All this plus our usual look at today's AI headlines. Transcript and URLs referenced at HumanCusp Blog. |
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Monday May 03, 2021
046 - Guest: Rajiv Malhotra, author and historian, part 1
Monday May 03, 2021
Monday May 03, 2021
This and all episodes at: https://aiandyou.net/ .
Are the benefits of AI equally distributed across countries? Or is it another tool for agents of globalization and imperialism to tighten their grip and shut out the smaller players on the global stage? Rajiv Malhotra has a new book, Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Power: 5 Battlegrounds, that addresses that issue, and draws attention to how India in particular is collateral damage in the struggle for dominance between AI superpowers. In this episode, we talk about how Western universalism and Chinese nationalism shape geopolitical structures that AI is now entering into, and how the history and geography of Asia affects them. All this plus our usual look at today's AI headlines. Transcript and URLs referenced at HumanCusp Blog. |
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Monday Apr 26, 2021
045 - Guest: Rob May, AI Angel Investor, part 2
Monday Apr 26, 2021
Monday Apr 26, 2021
This and all episodes at: https://aiandyou.net/ .
What happens when an engineer becomes an angel investor and thought leader in AI? You get Rob May, former co-founder and CEO of Talla, an AI assistant platform, now General Partner at PJC, an early-stage venture capital firm focused on investing in, supporting, and building relationships with entrepreneurs who are creating the future. Rob also writes the world’s most popular newsletter on artificial intelligence – InsideAI. In part 2, we talk about emotion AI, whether we're in an AI bubble, and what startups should - and shouldn't focus on. All this plus our usual look at today's AI headlines. Transcript and URLs referenced at HumanCusp Blog. |
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Monday Apr 19, 2021
044 - Guest: Rob May, AI Angel Investor, part 1
Monday Apr 19, 2021
Monday Apr 19, 2021
This and all episodes at: https://aiandyou.net/ .
What happens when an engineer becomes an angel investor and thought leader in AI? You get Rob May, former co-founder and CEO of Talla, an AI assistant platform, now General Partner at PJC, an early-stage venture capital firm focused on investing in, supporting, and building relationships with entrepreneurs who are creating the future. Rob also writes the world’s most popular newsletter on artificial intelligence – InsideAI. We talk about the state of startups in brain-computer interfaces, the role of ethical issues in evaluating startups, and just how Rob made the transition from engineer to investor. All this plus our usual look at today's AI headlines. Transcript and URLs referenced at HumanCusp Blog. |
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Monday Apr 12, 2021
043 - Guest: David Gerrold, Science Fiction Author and Screenwriter, part 2
Monday Apr 12, 2021
Monday Apr 12, 2021
This and all episodes at: https://aiandyou.net/ .
What could it be like inside the mind of an artificial intelligence that has just evolved consciousness? Our guest today has imagined just that. David Gerrold has written some of the most widely-read and -viewed science fiction of the last 60 years, starting with classic Star Trek's Trouble with Tribbles episode and several other episodes of that and other Star Trek, Babylon 5, Twilight Zone, and other TV series, plus novels such as The Man Who Folded Himself, and series including the War Against the Chtorr and the Dingilliad, winning the Hugo and Nebula awards for the noval The Martian Child. We focused on his novel When HARLIE Was One, about an AI that became conscious, which develops (more thoughtfully than most such stories) how the interaction with the humans around him changed HARLIE... and them. All this plus our usual look at today's AI headlines. Transcript and URLs referenced at HumanCusp Blog. |
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Monday Apr 05, 2021
042 - Guest: David Gerrold, Science Fiction Author and Screenwriter, part 1
Monday Apr 05, 2021
Monday Apr 05, 2021
This and all episodes at: https://aiandyou.net/ .
What could it be like inside the mind of an artificial intelligence that has just evolved consciousness? Our guest today has imagined just that. David Gerrold has written some of the most widely-read and -viewed science fiction of the last 60 years, starting with classic Star Trek's Trouble with Tribbles episode and several other episodes of that and other Star Trek, Babylon 5, Twilight Zone, and other TV series, plus novels such as The Man Who Folded Himself, and series including the War Against the Chtorr and the Dingilliad, winning the Hugo and Nebula awards for the noval The Martian Child. We focused on his novel When HARLIE Was One, about an AI that became conscious, which develops (more thoughtfully than most such stories) how the interaction with the humans around him changed HARLIE... and them. All this plus our usual look at today's AI headlines. Transcript and URLs referenced at HumanCusp Blog. |
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Monday Mar 29, 2021
041 - Guest: Peter Asaro, Autonomous Weapon Activist, part 2
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Monday Mar 29, 2021
This and all episodes at: https://aiandyou.net/ .
Lethal autonomous weapons are here, and we're going to see much more of them. What concerns do these raise, and what should we do about them? Those may seem like intractable problems, but Peter Asaro tackles them. He is a professor at the New School in New York, and is a philosopher of science, technology and media. His work examines artificial intelligence and robotics as a form of digital media, the ethical dimensions of algorithms and data, and the ways in which technology mediates social relations and shapes our experience of the world. In the world of autonomous weapons, he works as the co-founder and co-chair of the International Committee for Robot Arms Control. In part 2 of our interview we talk about that committee and related organizations, what they do to elevate our thinking and governance of autonomous weapons and how they do it, and we discuss the famous Slaughterbots video, plus Peter's documentary, Love Machine. All this plus our usual look at today's AI headlines. Transcript and URLs referenced at HumanCusp Blog. |
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Monday Mar 22, 2021
040 - Guest: Peter Asaro, Autonomous Weapon Activist, part 1
Monday Mar 22, 2021
Monday Mar 22, 2021
This and all episodes at: https://aiandyou.net/ .
Lethal autonomous weapons are here, and we're going to see much more of them. What concerns do these raise, and what should we do about them? Those may seem like intractable problems, but Peter Asaro tackles them. He is a professor at the New School in New York, and is a philosopher of science, technology and media. His work examines artificial intelligence and robotics as a form of digital media, the ethical dimensions of algorithms and data, and the ways in which technology mediates social relations and shapes our experience of the world. In the world of autonomous weapons, he works as the co-founder and co-chair of the International Committee for Robot Arms Control. We talk about just what distinctions are useful when thinking about the regulation of autonomous weapons, seen through the lens of his precise and highly informed thinking. All this plus our usual look at today's AI headlines. Transcript and URLs referenced at HumanCusp Blog. |
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